Our Differently Timed Spiritual Journeys from Need to Love

As a first time mom, I made lists of worries about my baby, but my pediatrician laughingly said, “Everyone should have a practice child!” After my second child was a few months old, I informed the pediatrician that it would not help at all, since my second child was absolutely nothing like my first!  God did not make us with a cookie cutter. We are born with very different ways of  both perceiving and responding to the world. But obviously we are ALL born as needy little babies and we’re all unfinished. Our lives are a spiritual journey from need to love. Some of us need a moment in time fairly early in life when we experience the unconditional love of God so we can cling to that love as a source of grace. Others are more logical and find the law to be a road map source of safety.  Some of us tend to trust the known and traditional, while others explore possibilities of all kinds. Over our life spans, our different journeys will finally challenge us to experience a very different way of being in the world than we are used to. It’s scary and we may resist it, but it will free us finally to recognize the validity of our differences. This is grossly oversimplified. But whether we try to lock everyone into a law and order path or an emotionally healing conversion with miracles, or a social justice focus, we are like the three blind men each trying to picture a whole elephant by one only touching its floppy ears, another feeling it’s large firm side, and the third just feeling it’s skinny little tail. We see through the glass of our inborn personalities darkly. We are loved, but we are unfinished. It’s a lifetime process and we start at different place, so it’s a circle, NOT a hierarchy.  And the journey isn’t to perfection, but to the balance of wholeness..  We are not only born unfinished, but some of us get broken along the way. The journey of Jesus is also OUR journey and he is with us every step of the way whether or not we recognize him.  He fleshed out BOTH the Love of God for us, and the Way for us to become loving. It’s a process that will include loving those like ourselves, those who seem strange to us, those we consider spiritual lepers, and not only our enemy, but even our own Religious Leaders” who want the power to control us just as His once did him.    “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” Those words of Jesus ultimately will sum up our spiritual journey from need to love.

When we try to limit the Spiritual journey to the phase we are in, it creates a toxic religion for others.  The timing is different because we started at different places.  But we are ALL unfinished. So it’s time to begin trying to understand those on different pages, for our own sake, as much as theirs.

About Eileen

Mother of five, grandmother of nine, great-grandmother of five. 1955 -1959 Rice University in Houston, TX. Taught primary grades; Was Associate Post Director of Religious Education at Ft. Campbell, KY; Consultant on the Myers/Briggs Type Indicator, Was married for 60 years to an Architect in Middle Tennessee.

Posted on January 14, 2024, in a Jesus kind of love, Differently timed spiritual journeys., Jesus' Journey is our Journey, The journey from need to love., The MBTI and Inborn Differences', The Spiritual Journey to Wholeness., Understanding our Enemies frees us to Love them.. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Dear Eileen, have you put together a collection of your ruminations and conclusions in book form, either in print or digitally? Or are these only on this blog? I find your insights so valuable, stimulating & inspiring and would love to have them permanently on hand, and to share with others.

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    • Most are on my blog and can be retrieved. Right now I’m taking a class on writing a memoir, so focusing on that. A lot of the reflections on my blog are from what I call my “Sermons from the Molehill.” I get to lead worship usually about once every six weeks and I get to give a three minute reflection. This post was from last Sunday. I really appreciate your encouragement. I don’t have many blog post readers. You are one of my most faithful and positive. Hugs!!! Any time you want to copy something I write, you are welcome. Christmas ate up December and I have been sick since Christmas day, so struggling to just manage to fix food, run wash and survive. My wide spread family are mostly also sick, We have about five inches of snow today. Not usual for middle Tennessee. Enjoying watching the birds around the feeder, but it’s been a slow recovery, though so far no pneumonia like last year. My trouble with writing is that the inspiration kind of comes and goes and sort of needs a deadline. I’m not good at persevering steadily. But I’m hoping the class will motivate me.

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